Safe programmable PLC for control applications
Few subjects are regarded as more urgent in safety technology than the integration of safety into the PLC.
Few subjects are regarded as more urgent in safety technology than the integration of safety into the PLC. Companies from mechanical and systems engineering are familiar with the problem: Most of their customers would much rather not have a separate PLC for control and safety, particularly if they are also based on proprietary solutions as they offer little investment security in view of rapid technological developments. In the past, too many systems have turned out to be technological dead ends, this situation is entirely different in the case of programming based on open standards.
For Bernstein developers, this meant that from the outset the target specification stated that the solution should firstly integrate both safety and control applications and secondly that it should be completely based on open standards.
With the Safe LogiControl Bernstein is presenting a product that fulfils these requirements the freely programmable PLC that integrates both safety and control applications and permits the construction of systems in accordance with Cat.
4 as defined by EN 954-1 or SIL3 as defined by IEC 61508.
A functional Safe LogiControl will be the highlight of the Bernstein trade fair stand at SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2005.
KW-Software is our strategic partner in the development of Safe LogiControl.
Within the framework of this partnership, the company supplies the widely used programming system SAFEPROG, the runtime system SafeOS, secure firmware management and sequence services and the secure and certified function modules of PLCopen.
Anyone using Safe LogiControl can therefore fall back on a familiar program environment conforming to IEC 61131 that is widespread on the market for the purpose of adapting it to their own applications.
There is also the advantage that there is no need to learn a new programming interface or therefore retraining of staff.
In addition to this, both safety and control programming operations can be performed with one single interface.
The application program can be downloaded via the Ethernet connection or added via a plug-in memory card.
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