Portable system measures human vibration
Portable system that measures human vibration s designed for monitoring exposure of human operators to the harmful influences of vibration of hand-tools, machinery and heavy vehicles.
The Type 4447 Human Vibration Analyser is designed for monitoring exposure of human operators to the harmful influences of vibration of hand-tools, machinery, heavy vehicles, etc It is a compact, battery-driven, standalone instrument ideal for field work and with a versatile graphics display for control of the instrument and analysis of results. Four buttons control all functions, and all necessary data is displayed for instant assessment of exposure to vibration. A USB interface provides for archiving and post processing of the data for calculation of vibration doses.
Among the parameters which the Type 4447 simultaneously measures and calculates are triaxial running RMS vibration and peak vibration, weighted or unweighted, crest factor for each axis, frequency-weighted hand-arm vibration and whole-body vibration, the combined vibration on all three axes as a vector sum, MTVV (maximum transient vibration value), MSDV (motion sickness dose value), and VDV (vibration dose value).
The Type 4447 is delivered together with a software package for calculation of vibration exposure to check the action values and limit values as stated in European Directive 2002/44/EC.
Bruel and Kjaer sought input from many interested parties in the design and development of the instrument.
They include consultants working with measurements of, and risk evaluations caused by, exposure to occupational vibration; occupational health departments; manufacturers of building machinery, freight vehicles and other machinery; manufacturers of anti-vibration pads, seats and personal protection equipment; manufacturers of all kinds of hand-tools; and educational and medical institutions.
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