Catalogue simplifies safety relay module search
To help engineers specify the correct safety relay modules, Schmersal has published a 170-page Protect-SRB catalogue, which includes a double-reset input module and input extension module.
Schmersal's range of Protect-SRB safety relay modules is one of the most comprehensive available for the signal processing of emergency-stop, interlocking and other protective devices. To help engineers specify the correct modules for their application, Schmersal has published a 170-page Protect-SRB catalogue, which includes two brand-new units, the SRB 100 DR double-reset input module and Protect-IE input extension module. The catalogue is divided into safety relay modules for the signal processing of one or two safety contacts with NC contact behaviour and of NC/NO contact combinations.
It also presents the current range in subdivisions of type, number of safety enabling outputs and supply voltage.
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