Friday, December 22, 2006

Single-axis probes for selective radiation meter

New from Link Microtek are three new single-axis probes for the Narda SRM-3000 selective radiation meter, for measuring emissions from each source within a multiple-frequency RF environment.

New from RF radiation safety specialist Link Microtek are three new single-axis probes for the Narda SRM-3000 selective radiation meter - an innovative instrument that is capable of measuring emissions from each individual source within a multiple-frequency RF environment. The new probes extend the capabilities of the SRM-3000 to frequencies as low as 100kHz and enable it to measure emissions at radio transmitter sites or in factories using equipment such as RF heat sealers or industrial dryers. With the European EMF Directive due to come into effect in April 2008, employers will be responsible for ensuring that RF emissions do not exceed the maximum permissible limits laid down by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

In multiple-signal environments where the field strength is above the ICNIRP limit of 10W/m2, employers may find that they can still prove compliance by using the SRM-3000 with the new single-axis probes to check the contributions from individual signals, thereby avoiding the disruption and cost of unnecessary remedial action.

Two of the three new probes - an active dipole E-field antenna and an active H-field antenna - cover the frequency range 100kHz to 300MHz and are designed for near-field measurements, which require E and H components to be checked separately.

The third single-axis probe is a passive dipole E-field antenna for use over the frequency band 27MHz to 3GHz.