Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lone worker solutions demo online

SBES, the lone worker protection specialist has virtual demonstrations of some of its products in action, these are available to view online.

To help those researching lone worker solutions find the right products for their particular application SBES, the lone worker protection specialist has virtual demonstrations of some of its products in action, these are available to view online. The virtual demos demonstrate the flexibility of the SBES product portfolio and will help those who have identified a problem with lone working as part of a risk assessment decide on which product is best suited to their environment or application. Beginning with a demonstration of SBES' core product, Lifesaver, the demos give a short but clear indication of what each product in the range covers and what it can be used for.

The Lifesaver demo for example shows a warehouse application and clearly shows how SBES deals with problems associated with signal coverage and the reaction time of the system.

For mobile workers, the Protector virtual demo is a clear run through of how the system might be used by maintenance/ service personnel frequently moving between buildings.

Tracer, the GPS/GSM and two-way satellite enabled vehicle-based system is demonstrated by showing the classic case of a lone operative, working at height in a remote location who has an accident.

This demonstration clearly shows how the remote monitoring centre, which such systems can be relayed to, answers the call with speed and accuracy.

Using GSM/GPS or two-way satellite communication to suit the particular application the Tracer system can pinpoint a prone operative to within 1m whatever their location - anywhere in the World.

SBES' latest technical innovation is shown in the last virtual demonstration where the backpack mounted Responder system is shown in various situations.

The Responder system again uses GSM/GPS or two-way satellite communication and is equally suited to lone workers undertaking potentially hazardous tasks in the field or service workers walking between locations in a City centre.

Leisure is also covered by the Responder system and activities such as walking, running, mountain biking, climbing, hiking and sailing are all areas in which participants could be effectively protected.

As SBES CEO Peter Swan says 'We know that our lone worker solutions are suitable for use in a wide range of applications.

The virtual demonstrations, while only covering a few applications, illustrate the modular nature of all of our solutions.

We hope that this facility will help those who have identified a potential risk be assured that there is a proven, cost effective solution available.

But, if people have any doubts they should not hesitate to contact SBES' specialist staff who will be pleased to help.'