Friday, July 21, 2006

Drink manufacturers opt for Airknife system

Major drink manufacturers and canning, bottling and packaging contractors use Airknife systemsto dry bottles and cans on the line and to eliminate moisture from packaging
Major drink manufacturers and canning, bottling and packaging contractors use Airknife systems from Air Control Industries, based in Chard , Somerset, both to dry bottles and cans on the line and to eliminate moisture from packaging of all kinds. Easy installation, low noise, low pressure and low enerrgy consumption make the blower powered ACI Airknife and efficient, cost effective, reliable and safe system to achieve ideal packaging conditions. Drying with an Airknife straddling the line eliminates water stains and problems with water based inks in jet coding installations and also dispenses with 'carry over' problems after sterilisation procedures.

Powered by any of a wide selection of ACI fans and blowers, including multi stage, radial or compact units, ACI airknives direct air down a plenum chamber and out through a parallel slot, providing a controlled curtain of high velocity, ow pressure air.

The ACI blowers supplying the air typically generate less than 0.25 Bar (3.6 psi) so are safer and quieter than compressed air and as much as 90% cheaper to run.

Air from ACI blowers is dry, oil free and, with appropriate filtration free of particulate to food production standards.

So ACI Airknife systems, available engineered to to any size your application requires, meet all hygiene requirements.