Booklet gives free help with IPPC Directive
Free booklet explains aspects of the EU Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive, including noise, vibration and heat, energy efficiency, water efficiency and many more.
James Walker has produced a 24 page booklet explaining aspects of the EU Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive, which is available free to help companies through this new legislation. The directive covers an integrated approach to pollution prevention including noise, vibration and heat, energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste production, land contamination, emergency preparedness, accident prevention and management systems, in addition to fugitive emissions to the environment. The booklet gives guidance on all aspects of the little-understood IPPC Directive 96/61/EC, which can carry large fines or even imprisonment for non-compliance to permit conditions.
It is essential reading if you did not know this or appreciate other Directive conditions such as the concept of Best Available Techniques (BAT) requiring the assessment of product and service technologies and how plant systems and procedures impact on environmental protection.
Sections cover how the regulations apply to new and existing installations and what must be done to obtain permits required prior to operating new installations or to keep existing ones running.
It also details operating responsibilities under a permit including reports to be submitted.
Finally, it explains how James Walker can help companies, with its solutions to control and reduce VOC emissions in refineries, petrochemical, chemical and other process industries, and an extensive range of products and services which offer the Best Available Techniques (BAT), many approved to TA-Luft and the appropriate ISO standards.
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