Monday, December 04, 2006

Digital hydraulic controller is freely configured

Digital hydraulic controller can be freely configured, features integral field bus communication, is in Eurocard format and includes free Windows set-up software.

HACD - digital hydraulic controller from Rexroth - can be freely configured, features integral field bus communication and is in Eurocard format. Included are free Windows software for setting, position, pressure or velocity values and real time oscilloscope for rapid and accurate machine setting. The HACD is used as controller card for one or two closed control loops.

It can also be employed as command value card for generating, linking and normalizing signals.

Applications can be realized be linking predefined functions.

By simple configurations the user can implement: * Open loop controlled traversing.

* Closed-loop pressure/force control.

* Alternating control (HACD with two closed control loops only).

Further programming knowledge is not required.

Open and closed-loop control algorithms that are tailored to the requirements of hydraulics help to achieve optimum characteristics of the individual drive.

* Predefined function blocks - applications can be built using predefined function blocks.

No programming knowledge is required.

* Complex profiles can be achieved by using up to 32 blocks - each block contains command and control parameters, and blocks can be triggered by a variety of conditions, configured with PC interface software.

Examples of trigger conditions: state or digital inputs, analogue signals comparison, completion of dwell time.

* Control algorithms optimised for hydraulic axes - PIDT1 controllers with optional state variable control.

Each controller parameter is configurable and can enabled/disabled as required.

Parameters can be selected on a block-by-block basis.

Control can be switched between open loop and closed loop on a block-by-block basis.

* Configuration can be optimised for a variety of hydraulic devices - optimised valve characteristics selected from the predefined valve database.

Additional features of overlap jump, spool jump and creep/residual velocity are available.

* Analogue and digital feedback - incremental and SSI digital and voltage/current analogue sensors can be used.

* Complex signal processing - mathematical functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and Boolean functions (minimum, maximum, limiter) can be used for signal processing.

* Ramp generator - up and down ramps for acceleration and deceleration with S curve capability are included in the controller.

Ramp parameters can be selected on a block-by-block basis, or controlled by external analogue signals.

* Positional control - Fast accurate and repeatable positioning to within microns - Perfect profile following, for improved products - Fine control of speed and position via operator interface - Open and closed loop movements easily obtained - Position guaranteed under high load variations - Heavy loads moved smoothly and precisely to their final position.

- Multiple cylinders operating together with great accuracy - From stand-alone to PLC control over Profibus with 1 unit.

* Force/Pressure control - Accurate and repeatable pressure control to within 0.1% - Simple control of ramp and final pressure settings - Fine control of set pressure via PLC or direct operator input - Low cost control using a single pressure transducer with multiple set points and ramps - Sophisticated control using a combination of position, load and pressure transducers for more complex systems.

* Velocity control - Stable speed control despite varying load conditions - Fast response and high accuracy for all operations - Very slow to extremely fast speeds can be resolved - Speed variations can be selected by PLC or locally - Velocity profiles can be easily configured and modified - Real time monitoring and speed limit detection in built.

* About Bosch Rexroth - the company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch, Germany, achieved sales of EUR 3.7 billion in 2003 with 25,700 employees.

Under the brand name of Rexroth the company offers all relevant drive, control and motion technologies: from mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics through to electronics and the associated services.

The global player is a competent partner to around 500,000 customers in over 80 countries and an extensive supplier of components and systems for industrial and factory automation and mobile applications.