Rigorous testing extends filter operating life
Filters for hydraulic and lubrication systems offer higher efficiency, cleaner results and longer system component life than ISO16889 accredited equivalents, following rigorous testing.
The new Hy-Pro range of filters from SKF, the knowledge engineering company, offers higher efficiency, cleaner results and longer system component life than conventional ISO16889 accredited equivalents; having undergone Dynamic Filtration Efficiency (DFE) multipass performance testing, the highest existing method for measuring hydraulic and lubrication filter performance. The Hy-Pro range is designed to remove particulate and water contamination in hydraulic and lubrication systems, providing efficient and reliable filtration over extremely long service lives, saving engineers the money that is commonly lost battling contamination related failures. Approximately 75% of all hydraulic component failures are attributed to surface degradation caused by contamination and corrosion.
By comparison, the cost of installing and maintaining suitable filtration is estimated to be just 3% of the costs associated with contamination, including unplanned downtime, component replacement or repairs, maintenance costs, troubleshooting time, disposal and waste.
Unlike other hydraulic and lubrication filters on the market, the Hy-Pro filters are DFE rated, having undergone much more rigorous testing.
DFE testing was specifically developed by Hy-Pro to achieve much more realistic test results than are attainable with existing ISO standards alone.
Whereas ISO testing imposes an improbable single flow rate on a filter during the test period, DFE testing alternates the flow rate between two values.
This method offers a much closer reflection of real world operating conditions, encompassing the concepts of flow fatigue and multipass testing.
The DFE testing also includes vibration analysis, as vibration can affect the effectiveness of a filter's performance, causing it to unload contaminant previously captured, in a cloud of contamination downstream of the filter.
The Hy-Pro filters offer outstanding particle retention as a result of undergoing this testing, resulting in superior filtration and cleaner fluid.
When competing ISO compliant filters were subjected to DFE testing, a number of other weaknesses were also visible as well as unloading: media breakdown, reduced dirt holding capacity and fluctuating efficiencies.
Every element tested performed less effectively when subjected to DFE testing as opposed to ISO16889.
SKF recognises that it is crucial that the correct type and size of filter is used in the right location, taking into account the maximum flow rate, maximum system pressure, fluid viscosity, and the fluid type.
The series includes suction filters and strainers to protect pumps from large particles found in reservoirs, pressure filters to be installed between pump outlets and the rest of a system's components, return filters that collect all flow and return it to the system free of contaminate, pilot line filters to protect particularly sensitive components, and static or mobile off-line filter systems which act as a self contained filter system to run 24/7 or intermittently.
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