Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Thermoset bumpers last 33-50% longer in nailers

Customised thermoset bumpers for pneumatic nailers and other high-impact applications last 33 to 50% longer than rubber or conventional thermoplastics urethane alternatives.
MPC has improved its own proprietary formulation for Durethane high-performance thermoset open cast elastomer shock-absorbing bumpers for pneumatic nailers. The new material provides durability and resistance to high dynamic fatigue. It also has excellent compression set and resistance to heat, chemicals, and abrasion.

The custom urethane bumpers now last 200,000 to 1,000,000 cycles, which on average is 33 to 50% longer than rubber or conventional thermoplastics urethane alternatives.

'Our bumpers and cushions provide higher performance than our competitors' products at a competitive cost,' says Dr Albert C Chiang, vice president of research and development at MPC.

'MPC used a unique, innovative ion process to augment our original cast urethane formulation, which was already more durable than competing materials'.

'Now it far exceeds its previous capabilities.' 'We have barely scratched the surface of the potential market for customised, patent pending urethane bumpers,' says John Roderick, president and CEO of MPC.

'Other products that are subject to repeated impact cycles could benefit from this cast, thermoset formulation.' MPC modifies the urethane at the molecular level, lengthening the 'soft segment' of the molecule to increase its elasticity and durability.

The resulting material is ideal for bumpers and cushions in products that undergo heavily loaded, repeated impact cycles, such as pneumatic nail guns.

Because the MPC custom urethane product outlasts other rubber and thermoplastic urethane bumpers, it reduces maintenance, service stocking, and costly down time.

MPC manufactures the bumpers using special modular tooling that minimises the cost for creating a wide range of shapes and sizes.

Quality assurance technicians test the bumpers under high-speed impact cycles at elevated pressure and temperature for a specific time interval to assure part quality.

* About MPC - MPC was founded in 1965 as Mearthane Products Corporation.

The company specialises in creating customized, castable thermoset polyurethane products with variable conductivity, mechanical and environmental properties to suit a wide range of applications.