Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Centralised lubrication keeps pneumatics working

One centralised lubrication system can provide superior lubrication to all air tools or valves and cylinders within 100ft for long periods - and maintaining productivity.

Applied Pneumatic Controls announced another bold step forward in centralised lubrication with their latest Oil Smoke generator that mounts directly onto a bulk reservoir. Oil Smoke systems are available with reservoirs in all sizes from 1 to 30 gallons. The most common and practical reservoir sizes range from 3 to 15 gallons.

Approximately two thirds of the reservoir may be filled with oil while the other third is space for the smoke to accumulate.

These reservoirs provide enough lubricant for weeks or months before a refill.

Veneer Stackers for example with over 60 air cylinders operating in asynchronous groups from an 80ft long manifold are served by one centralized Oil Smoke system per manifold.

The oil reservoir might be topped up a few quarts each week.

The larger reservoir will easily last until a convenient time to refill it.

This permits flexible maintenance planning and accommodates emergencies and short handed periods.

One centralised system that provides superior lubrication to all air tools or valves and cylinders within 100ft is an idea who's time has come.

Oil Smoke centralised lubrication can increase productivity to keep our factories competitive.

For a free video of Oil Smoke in action, questions or for more information contact Tom Kreher at Applied Pneumatic Controls.